Keyword Index


  • Afghanistan Identification of the distribution of development in Afghanistan using the Euclidean TOPSIS technique [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 21-48]
  • Amihud The effect of stock market liquidity on the market power of banks [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 315-344]
  • ARDL approach Welfare effects of budget-neutral changes in tax mix for Iran [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 1-38]
  • Asymmetric effects Oil Revenue Uncertainty and Income Distribution Inequality: An Emphasis on the Role of Sanctions in the Iranian Economy [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 303-338]
  • Automatic stabilizers Automatic stabilization of fiscal policies and Iran's economic cycles [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 187-213]


  • Bank deposits Determining the effect of economic and financial variables on the ratio of bank facilities and deposits using smooth transition regression [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 75-100]
  • Banking system Determining the effect of economic and financial variables on the ratio of bank facilities and deposits using smooth transition regression [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 75-100]
  • Banking system Evaluating the effect of banks' liquidity shock on the excess reserves and business cycles in Iran with the DSGE model [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 247-283]
  • Bitcoin The Impact of Cryptocurrency as a Substitution for Government Currency on the Iranian Economy in a DSGE Model [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 155-186]
  • Block chain The Impact of Cryptocurrency as a Substitution for Government Currency on the Iranian Economy in a DSGE Model [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 155-186]
  • Business approach Nonlinear Exchange Rate Dynamics in Iran using the Bayesian Nonlinear Method [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 275-301]
  • Business cycles Automatic stabilization of fiscal policies and Iran's economic cycles [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 187-213]
  • Business cycles Evaluating the effect of banks' liquidity shock on the excess reserves and business cycles in Iran with the DSGE model [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 247-283]


  • Computable general equilibrium model The Impact of Exchange Rate Shokes on Iran’s Income Distribution: A Computable General Equilibrium Model [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 39-83]
  • Counterfactuals analysis Automatic stabilization of fiscal policies and Iran's economic cycles [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 187-213]
  • Cox proportional hazards model The Effect of Unemployment Insurance on Unemployment Duration in Yazd [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 85-112]
  • Crop cultivation Limiting policy Evaluation of the adverse effects of rice planting restrictions on welfare in Iran [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 1-20]
  • Cryptocurrency The Impact of Cryptocurrency as a Substitution for Government Currency on the Iranian Economy in a DSGE Model [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 155-186]
  • Currency market Nonlinear Exchange Rate Dynamics in Iran using the Bayesian Nonlinear Method [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 275-301]
  • Currency regimes Nonlinear Exchange Rate Dynamics in Iran using the Bayesian Nonlinear Method [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 275-301]


  • Deposit tax Investigating the Effects of Stock Earnings and Bank Deposits Tax Shocks in the Context of Keynesian Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 215-245]
  • Development Identification of the distribution of development in Afghanistan using the Euclidean TOPSIS technique [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 21-48]
  • DSGE The Impact of Taxing the Interest on Savings on the Economic Variables in Iran: A DSGE Approach [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 371-414]
  • DSGE model The Impact of Cryptocurrency as a Substitution for Government Currency on the Iranian Economy in a DSGE Model [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 155-186]


  • Education gap Explaining the Role of the Gender Gap in Having Opportunities and Its Effects on the Poverty Gap [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 339-370]
  • Employment Evaluating the impact of economic sanctions on employment in Iran using Synthetic Control Method [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 101-138]
  • Exchange rate The Impact of Exchange Rate Shokes on Iran’s Income Distribution: A Computable General Equilibrium Model [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 39-83]


  • Financial development Application of the growth diagnostics approach in Iran: HRV decision tree [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 139-181]
  • Financial leverage Analyzing the moderating effects of corporate governance and profitability on the relationship between financial leverage and growth using a switching regression model [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 285-313]
  • Financing Investigating the Effect of Government Financing Methods on Economic Growth in Iran: Markov-Switching (MS) Approach [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 113-153]
  • Financing Methods Ranking of financing alternatives for small and medium enterprises according to credit risks [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 217-246]
  • Financing Risk Control Strategies Ranking of financing alternatives for small and medium enterprises according to credit risks [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 217-246]
  • Fiscal policies The Impact of Taxing the Interest on Savings on the Economic Variables in Iran: A DSGE Approach [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 371-414]
  • Foreign Trade Virtual water trade in Iran: An input-output analysis [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 49-73]


  • GDP per capita The effect of tourist congestion on the health of the host community with an emphasis on Iran [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 183-216]
  • Generalized Method of Moments The effect of stock market liquidity on the market power of banks [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 315-344]
  • Good Governance Application of the growth diagnostics approach in Iran: HRV decision tree [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 139-181]
  • Government debt Investigating the Effect of Government Financing Methods on Economic Growth in Iran: Markov-Switching (MS) Approach [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 113-153]
  • Growth Diagnostics Application of the growth diagnostics approach in Iran: HRV decision tree [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 139-181]


  • Health expenditure The effect of tourist congestion on the health of the host community with an emphasis on Iran [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 183-216]
  • Health gap Explaining the Role of the Gender Gap in Having Opportunities and Its Effects on the Poverty Gap [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 339-370]


  • Income gap Explaining the Role of the Gender Gap in Having Opportunities and Its Effects on the Poverty Gap [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 339-370]
  • Income inequality Oil Revenue Uncertainty and Income Distribution Inequality: An Emphasis on the Role of Sanctions in the Iranian Economy [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 303-338]
  • Inequality Identification of the distribution of development in Afghanistan using the Euclidean TOPSIS technique [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 21-48]
  • Inflation rate Determining the effect of economic and financial variables on the ratio of bank facilities and deposits using smooth transition regression [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 75-100]
  • Inputoutput analysis Virtual water trade in Iran: An input-output analysis [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 49-73]
  • Iran Welfare effects of budget-neutral changes in tax mix for Iran [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 1-38]
  • Iran Impacts of Sanctions on Foreign Trade Analyzed with the Gravity Model Approach: A Case Study of Iran and Russia [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 247-274]
  • Iran Virtual water trade in Iran: An input-output analysis [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 49-73]
  • Iranian economy Application of the growth diagnostics approach in Iran: HRV decision tree [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 139-181]


  • Lerner Index The effect of stock market liquidity on the market power of banks [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 315-344]
  • Liquidity The effect of stock market liquidity on the market power of banks [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 315-344]
  • Liquidity Evaluating the effect of banks' liquidity shock on the excess reserves and business cycles in Iran with the DSGE model [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 247-283]


  • Macro Risks Application of the growth diagnostics approach in Iran: HRV decision tree [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 139-181]
  • Market Power The effect of stock market liquidity on the market power of banks [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 315-344]
  • Markov-Switching (MS) Investigating the Effect of Government Financing Methods on Economic Growth in Iran: Markov-Switching (MS) Approach [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 113-153]
  • Micro Risks Application of the growth diagnostics approach in Iran: HRV decision tree [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 139-181]
  • Monetary policy Investigating the impact of monetary, financial, commercial and currency shocks on sustainable economic development in Iran through the structural vector autoregression model approach (SVAR) [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 345-364]


  • Oil Investigating the Effect of Government Financing Methods on Economic Growth in Iran: Markov-Switching (MS) Approach [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 113-153]
  • Oil revenue uncertainty Oil Revenue Uncertainty and Income Distribution Inequality: An Emphasis on the Role of Sanctions in the Iranian Economy [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 303-338]


  • Panel Generalized Method of Moments The effect of tourist congestion on the health of the host community with an emphasis on Iran [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 183-216]
  • Panel threshold approach model Explaining the Role of the Gender Gap in Having Opportunities and Its Effects on the Poverty Gap [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 339-370]
  • Pollution emission The effect of tourist congestion on the health of the host community with an emphasis on Iran [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 183-216]
  • Poverty Explaining the Role of the Gender Gap in Having Opportunities and Its Effects on the Poverty Gap [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 339-370]


  • Resilience Impacts of Sanctions on Foreign Trade Analyzed with the Gravity Model Approach: A Case Study of Iran and Russia [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 247-274]
  • Rice Evaluation of the adverse effects of rice planting restrictions on welfare in Iran [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 1-20]
  • Russia Impacts of Sanctions on Foreign Trade Analyzed with the Gravity Model Approach: A Case Study of Iran and Russia [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 247-274]


  • Sanctions Oil Revenue Uncertainty and Income Distribution Inequality: An Emphasis on the Role of Sanctions in the Iranian Economy [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 303-338]
  • SMEs Ranking of financing alternatives for small and medium enterprises according to credit risks [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 217-246]
  • Social account matrix The Impact of Exchange Rate Shokes on Iran’s Income Distribution: A Computable General Equilibrium Model [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 39-83]
  • Social Welfare Welfare effects of budget-neutral changes in tax mix for Iran [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 1-38]
  • Spatial equilibrium Evaluation of the adverse effects of rice planting restrictions on welfare in Iran [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 1-20]
  • Stochastic dynamic equilibrium model Investigating the Effects of Stock Earnings and Bank Deposits Tax Shocks in the Context of Keynesian Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 215-245]
  • Stock Exchange Analyzing the moderating effects of corporate governance and profitability on the relationship between financial leverage and growth using a switching regression model [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 285-313]
  • Stock gain tax Investigating the Effects of Stock Earnings and Bank Deposits Tax Shocks in the Context of Keynesian Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 215-245]
  • Sustainable economic development Investigating the impact of monetary, financial, commercial and currency shocks on sustainable economic development in Iran through the structural vector autoregression model approach (SVAR) [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 345-364]


  • Tax Automatic stabilization of fiscal policies and Iran's economic cycles [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 187-213]
  • Taxation Investigating the Effect of Government Financing Methods on Economic Growth in Iran: Markov-Switching (MS) Approach [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 113-153]
  • Tax base Investigating the Effects of Stock Earnings and Bank Deposits Tax Shocks in the Context of Keynesian Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 215-245]
  • Tax mix Welfare effects of budget-neutral changes in tax mix for Iran [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 1-38]
  • Tax on interests The Impact of Taxing the Interest on Savings on the Economic Variables in Iran: A DSGE Approach [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 371-414]
  • TOPSIS Identification of the distribution of development in Afghanistan using the Euclidean TOPSIS technique [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 21-48]
  • Tourist congestion The effect of tourist congestion on the health of the host community with an emphasis on Iran [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 183-216]
  • Trade Impacts of Sanctions on Foreign Trade Analyzed with the Gravity Model Approach: A Case Study of Iran and Russia [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 247-274]
  • Trade policy Investigating the impact of monetary, financial, commercial and currency shocks on sustainable economic development in Iran through the structural vector autoregression model approach (SVAR) [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 345-364]


  • Unemployment The Effect of Unemployment Insurance on Unemployment Duration in Yazd [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 85-112]
  • Unemployment duration The Effect of Unemployment Insurance on Unemployment Duration in Yazd [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 85-112]
  • Unemployment insurance The Effect of Unemployment Insurance on Unemployment Duration in Yazd [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 85-112]


  • Virtual Water Virtual water trade in Iran: An input-output analysis [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 49-73]
  • Vulnerability Impacts of Sanctions on Foreign Trade Analyzed with the Gravity Model Approach: A Case Study of Iran and Russia [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 247-274]


  • Welfare Evaluation of the adverse effects of rice planting restrictions on welfare in Iran [Volume 14, Issue 28, 2022, Pages 1-20]


  • Yazd The Effect of Unemployment Insurance on Unemployment Duration in Yazd [Volume 14, Issue 27, 2022, Pages 85-112]