Application of the Real-Options-Based Valuation Model to Assess the Factors that Affect Stock Price Changes

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor in Economics, faculty of Economic, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran



This study aims at the impact of the variables affecting the stock price changes of 85 companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange. The investigation was done at different level of profitability during the period 2006-2014 by using panel data and a cross-section model. Modeling the impact of those affecting factors by emphasizing the real value of companies was done based on the real-options-based valuation model. The results indicate that variables such as earnings yield, changes in profitability and changes in growth opportunities have a positive and significant effect on the stock return, but the changes in equity capital investment and discount rates have a negative and significant effect. The effect of changes in the profitability and changes in capital investment on the return stock in companies with a high level of profitability is more than that on companies with a low level of profitability. Based on the incremental explanatory power index, earnings yield provides more incremental information for explaining the stock return than other explanatory variables.


Main Subjects

  1. الف) منابع و مآخذ فارسی

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