Labor force participation rate and the impact of monetary policy on labor market variables in a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Economics, Persian Gulf University

2 Expert of Plan and budget Organization of Fars province


The purpose of this research is to determine the participation rate in a dynamic equilibrium model and to investigate the impact of shocks on labor market variables with an endogenous participation rate. For this purpose, a three-state search and matching model is used in which the labor force can be employed, unemployed or inactive (non-participation). For more accurate analysis, two models have been used. In the first model, the rate of economic participation is endogenous, but, in the second model, it is exogenous. Nash bargaining is also used to determine wages. By the estimation of the model parameters using the Bayesian method during 1997-2014, the simulation results have indicated that the impulse response functions of production, inflation, employment, and participation rates against monetary and technological shocks are in accordance with theoretical expectations and data. However, the unemployment variable shows an increase in the model of in-person participation rates and a decrease in the exogenous participation rate, which is due to the change in the participation rate in the endogenous model. Therefore, evaluating policies on the labor market variable with an exogenous participation rate can be misleading.


Main Subjects

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