Religiosity and Cooperation in Public Good Games: Some Iplications for Public Policy Formulation

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Economics, Yazd University

2 Associated Professor of Economics at University of Mazandaran, Babolsar


Synergy in prosocial behavior of economic agents sets personal interests alone with social interests. This paper reports an empirical study aiming to examine the relationship between religiosity and cooperation to create group interest. So, two versions of public good game (PGG) experiment including "motivated" and "hypothetical" tests were performed in five steps on a random sample of Mazandaran University students. Religiosity and personality dimensions were measured by standard questionnaires after the game. The backward regression results show that, in the first steps of the two games, greater public good contributions were presented by individuals with high scores on a scale of morality and religious devotion. The relationship between religiosity and cooperation in later steps is maintained in the hypothetical game, but it disappears in the motivated game. The findings indicate that financial incentives lead to corrective actions to maintain cooperation in group, but the removal of monetary incentives exasperated the response of conditional cooperators to free-riders’ behavior. Finally, the level of cooperation is significantly reduced. Players' behavior shows that their cooperation is dependent on the average level of group contributions. They tend to keep their participation near group cooperation. The policy implication of such behavior is taking care to avoid free riding behavior.


Main Subjects

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